enterapp: The Crypto Neobank Changing the Game

9 min readJun 4, 2024


Thinking about my choices in the crypto market, I am reminded of Voltaire’s words. “With great power comes great responsibility.” This rings true in the crypto space. It takes sharp thinking to seize wealth opportunities. The enterapp Token Pre-Sale is a wise step in this direction.

The world of crypto has had its ups and downs. Yet, those in the know find real value in projects changing the game. Enterapp is one such project, a groundbreaking crypto neobank by EntyLabs. With its state-of-the-art offerings and a much-awaited pre-sale, this venture is ready to shake up the old banking ways. It gives investors a chance to join in on the future of finance.

Key Takeaways

  • The enterapp Token Pre-Sale is live and ending in 3 months, offering early investors the chance to buy $ENTY tokens at $0.001, a fraction of the $0.05 public sale price.
  • With an estimated 50x potential profit, the enterapp pre-sale is a unique opportunity to secure your crypto banking future.
  • The enterapp ecosystem is revolutionizing the crypto banking landscape with its non-custodial wallet, WEB3 Neobank DApp, and seamless integration of crypto payments and DeFi features.
  • The project is backed by a dedicated and experienced team, and it has secured key partnerships, such as with Bountyportals, to drive growth and adoption.
  • With a secure and transparent token distribution, including no team tokens and a vesting schedule, the enterapp ICO offers investors peace of mind and protection against potential whales.

What is enterapp?

Enterapp is a star in the sky of digital finance. Created by EntyLabs, it’s a new type of crypto banking. It combines a special wallet and a WEB3 Neobank DApp. This mix is changing how people deal with their digital money, giving them more control over their financial future.

enterapp by EntyLabs: Revolutionizing Crypto Banking

Enterapp aims to shake up the world of crypto banking at its core. It uses the latest blockchain tech to put a range of digital asset tools in users’ hands. Its advanced wallet and Neobank DApp are pushing the limits of what you can do in crypto finance.

Non-custodial Wallet and WEB3 Neobank DApp

Enterapp’s standout is its cutting-edge wallet. It gives users the keys to their digital coins. This means they run the show and keep their funds safe and private. The Neobank DApp also connects them to a bunch of financial services, opening up new crypto adventures.

Buy, Sell, Swap, and Use Crypto for Everyday Purchases

Enterapp is all about making crypto easy to use. It lets users deal with their coins quickly and securely. Plus, it turns crypto into cash for daily spending. This makes digital money part of everyday life for its users.

Visa & Mastercard Integrations

One of enterapp’s big moves is linking traditional and digital spending. It now works with Visa and Mastercard. This means users can use their crypto for almost any payment. It makes crypto a real option for daily money matters.

enterapp Token Pre-Sale: Secure Your Crypto Banking Future at 50X Gains

The enterapp Token Pre-Sale is a big opportunity. You can buy $ENTY tokens at $0.001. This is cheaper than the $0.05 in the public sale. You’ll be one of the first to use this new crypto banking method. It comes with a safe wallet, a WEB3 Neobank DApp, and easy ways to use crypto daily. Joining the pre-sale could lead to big profits when the $ENTY token’s value rises.

50X Potential Profit: Pre-sale Price is $0.001

Early investors in the enterapp Token Pre-Sale can get tokens for $0.001 each. This is much lower than the $0.05 they will cost later. Those who invest early could see their investment grow 50 times. It’s a chance to get in on the ground floor.

Public Sale Price is $0.05

Getting $ENTY tokens for $0.001 during the pre-sale means a big chance. Later, selling at $0.05 could give you 50 times more profit. It’s an exceptional time to invest in your crypto banking future. You might get significant rewards.

The Revolutionary enterapp Ecosystem

The enterapp ecosystem lets investors join in the rise of the $ENTY token. This token provides the basis for different real-world uses, shining as an appealing choice for investment.

Why Invest in the $ENTY Token?

The $ENTY token offers an exciting chance for early investors. They might see a 50X increase in value. With a low pre-sale price, those who join early can earn big. Only 820 million $ENTY tokens are available before the public sale, where just 100 million are offered.

Real-World Utility in enterapp

The $ENTY token plays a key role in the enterapp ecosystem. It’s used for things like payments, travel, and DeFi. Thanks to partnerships with Visa and Mastercard, spending crypto on everyday items is easy. This makes the token very practical.

Secure, Transparent, and Whale-Protected

In the enterapp pre-sale, safety and openness for investors are top priorities. Everyone must pass ID checks, large investors can’t take all the tokens, and no special reserve is kept for the project’s team.

No Team Tokens, KYC Verified

The enterapp pre-sale is different because it doesn’t set aside tokens for the team. This helps ensure a level playing field for all investors. The verification process adds an extra layer of safety and trust, showing that investor funds are managed carefully.

enterapp’s Groundbreaking Features

The enterapp platform goes beyond offering just basic crypto banking services. It dives deeply into the DeFi world with unique aspects. Key features include DeFi and DEX aggregator tools. These offer endless liquidity and make token swapping easy on decentralized exchanges.

The enterapp ecosystem has advanced capabilities. It’s got seamless crypto-to-fiat payments, letting users turn digital assets into cash effortlessly. Users also get a secure, non-custodial wallet and a WEB3 Neobank DApp. This puts users in charge of their money matters.

Security and openness are big for enterapp. All users must verify themselves with KYC, and there are rules to protect from market whales. There’s also a system that gives rewards and cashback. This adds extra value for anyone in the crypto world.

The enterapp DeFi features and DEX aggregator tools are game-changers. They make it simple to explore decentralized finance. This brings more liquidity and swap flexibility to users across various platforms.

The $ENTY token is crucial in the enterapp system. It’s the key for many crypto banking features. This includes payments, travel spending, and DeFi actions. The token’s use and value make it an attractive choice for crypto fans.

enterapp’s mix of services, with a focus on safety, transparency, and user empowerment, is changing the crypto bank game. By blending DeFi, DEX aggregation, and traditional banking support, enterapp is reshaping how people and companies handle their digital wealth.

The enterapp Team

The enterapp project is led by a team of pros who love changing crypto banking. They are experts in finance, tech, and DeFi. Together, they’re making the enterapp ecosystem real.

Experienced and Dedicated Professionals

The enterapp team includes seasoned pros from various fields. They’ve spent years getting really good at what they do. Their main goal is to shake up traditional banking and boost DeFi for everyone.

Committed to Revolutionizing Crypto Banking

At the project’s core is a team passionate about changing how we manage money. Their dream is a smooth, safe platform that joins old and new finance. With their know-how and zeal, they’re reshaping crypto banking.

Roadmap and Milestones

The enterapp team has a clear plan for its project. They’ve set some big milestones to reach. Their first big move is to finish the enterapp pre-sale and public sale for the $ENTY token. Next, they’ll aim to have the $ENTY token available on top decentralized exchanges (DEXs).

Successful Pre-Sale and Public Sale

The enterapp team aims for a win in their pre-sale and public sale for the $ENTY token. They set the pre-sale price at $0.001 per token and the public sale at $0.05. This means early investors could see a 50X return on what they put in.

DEX Listing and Token Launch

After the pre-sale and public sale are done, attention turns to getting the $ENTY token on DEXs. This move will make the token more available, helping its use grow in the enterapp ecosystem.

enterApp’s Expansion and Adoption

The enterapp platform keeps getting more popular. The team wants to grow the ecosystem and get more people using it. This means teaming up with others, adding new stuff, and always making the app better to be the top crypto banking pick.

How to Participate in the Pre-Sale

Joining the enterapp token pre-sale is easy. Start by going to the enterapp website. There, you’ll see what makes the platform unique. You’ll learn about the $ENTY tokens’ benefits.

Visit the enterapp Website

On the enterapp website, you’ll get a detailed look at the project and its aims. You’ll also see why the $ENTY token is valuable. The site explains the enterapp ecosystem. It includes a secure wallet, a WEB3 Neobank DApp, and more. These features make using crypto for purchases simple, thanks to Visa and Mastercard.

Complete KYC Verification

For the enterapp pre-sale, KYC verification is a must. It’s essential for safety and trust. After verifying your identity, buying in the pre-sale is secure. This is because the process meets all necessary standards.

Purchase $ENTY

After visiting the enterapp site and doing KYC, you’re ready to buy $ENTY tokens. Pre-sale tokens are $0.001 each, much cheaper than the later $0.05 price. This deal offers a chance for a 50X increase. It’s a wise move for your investment.

By taking these steps, you can be part of the enterapp platform and profit from the enterapp pre-sale investment. This is a rare chance to upgrade your crypto banking. Don’t let it slip away.

Marketing Partners and Community

The enterapp pre-sale is now teaming up with Bountyportals. This marks a big step for the enterapp team’s efforts to strengthen its brand and reach out to more people with its creative crypto banking platform. With Bountyportals on board, more eyes will be on the enterapp project, attracting both investors and those who love everything crypto.

Bountyportals: Official Marketing Partner

By joining forces with Bountyportals, enterapp is clearly showing its drive to grow and connect with a broader audience. Bountyportals is well-known in the crypto world for its successful marketing strategies and building strong communities. This support is vital for spreading the word about enterapp and generating interest in the $ENTY token’s pre-sale and future public sale.

Growing Community on Social Media

Aside from the Bountyportals collaboration, enterapp is also putting in work to build a buzzing community on platforms like Telegram, Discord, and Twitter. By talking to crypto fans and potential investors, the enterapp team is forming a solid group of supporters who are excited about the future of banking. This focus on community will help the enterapp ecosystem to attract more users and do well in the long run.


What is the enterapp project?

The enterapp project by EntyLabs introduces a new kind of crypto neobank. It includes a non-custodial wallet. It also has a WEB3 Neobank DApp for daily crypto use. The project aims to shake up the world of crypto banking.

What are the key features of the enterapp ecosystem?

The enterapp ecosystem brings a range of features to its users. This includes a non-custodial wallet and a WEB3 Neobank DApp. It also offers a DEX aggregator for trades, crypto payments, and cards. Additionally, it has fiat on-ramps, safe storage, and features for rewards and cashback.

What is the $ENTY token and the enterapp token pre-sale?

The $ENTY token is special in the enterapp project. The token pre-sale helps people get $ENTY tokens early at a low price of $0.001 each. Later, in the public sale, they will be $0.05. This means early buyers could make a big profit, up to 50 times their investment.

Why should I invest in the $ENTY token?

Buying $ENTY tokens can offer you many benefits. It gives you access to the enterapp ecosystem. You can use the wallet, the DApp, DeFi tools, and banking services. The token is also safe, clear, and designed to protect from large investors. There are no team tokens that could affect the market unfairly.

Who is the enterapp team and what are their qualifications?

The enterapp team is made up of skilled professionals. They are experts in finance, technology, and decentralized finance. They are eager to change the world of crypto banking. They have a solid plan and clear goals for the project’s future.

How can I participate in the enterapp token pre-sale?

To join the token pre-sale, go to the enterapp website. You must finish the KYC steps and then buy $ENTY tokens. The pre-sale is happening with help from Bountyportals, the project’s official marketing partner.

Official Links

We invite you to embark on this adventure with us.🎉

pre-sale: https://bit.ly/3QHCYyh

Website: https://.io/

Whitepaper: https://entylabs.gitbook.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/_io

Telegram: https://t.me/_io

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5479876.0

Polygon Wallet address: 0xA65762fa9bfb5d7465162c50ADe8f7Cb35FFD9A4

